The game follows the storyline of the Zenonia franchise after the great war broke out. This popular one has over 10 million downloads now in Google Play Store. Zenonia 5 is the 5th installment of the game developed by GAMEVIL. If you’re a fan of these games, then you’ll surely love this one! We have games such as Ragnarok and Final Fantasy among others bringing this genre to where it is now. When we look back on the gaming history, role playing games are one of the first games to be launched. Read on to learn more! What is Zenonia 5? Zenonia 5 is a game developed by GAMEVIL which has over 10 million downloads in Google Play Store! In this 5th installment of the widely successful franchise, you get to rise as a hero from the slum village! Oppose the elites and rise from the ranks as a hero! There are tons of combat in here and tons of hero classes to choose from! Aside from that, the game features many elements that you love from the previous games. If you’re a fan of RPG games, then this one is for you! Because of this, there are tons of these games on the market right now. They are one of the most versatile, time-resistant and enjoyable genres of mobile games today. Role playing games are always popular no matter the time.